C.U.R.L.S. Talk: Conversations Understanding Relationships Love and Sex (as it relates to hair, of course)!

Beauty doesn’t have to be painful and it’s beyond time we talk about it.

We will talk about how the narratives we got about our skin tone and hair textures impact Relationships, Love, & Sex.

Tickets are pay what you wish. Your contribution not only grants you access to this transformative conversation but also supports our team‘s mission of fostering empowering dialogues in a supportive community.

Consider the following tiers:

  1. If you’ve supported Dr. Donna Oriowo by attending a paid event in 2023 or 2024, consider a contribution of $5.
  2. If you earn less than $40,000 annually, consider a contribution of $10.
  3. If you earn between $40,000 and $60,000, consider a contribution of $20.
  4. If you earn over $60,000, consider a contribution of $40.